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Commissioner's Meeting Minutes 2024 2024-1-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-1-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-21 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-10-7 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-11-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-2 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-12-9 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-2-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-11 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-18 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-25 Meeting Minutes 2024-3-4 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-4-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-13 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-20 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-28 Meeting Minutes 2024-5-31 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-5-6 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-10 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-17 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-24 Meeting Minutes 2024-6-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-1 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-15 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-22 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-29 Meeting Minutes 2024-7-8 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-12 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-19 Meetig Minutes 2024-8-26 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-5 Meeting Minutes 2024-8-8 Special Meeting Minutes 2024-9-16 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-18 Spec Meeting Minui 2024-9-23 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-3 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-30 Meeting Minutes 2024-9-9 Meeting Minutes

2024-3-25 Meeting Minutes

For a printable version of the March 25, 2024 Meeting Minutes (which includes all content as listed below), click here.

March 25, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners of Creek County (BOCC) met in Regular Session on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., date and time duly posted.

Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by Chairman, Stephens. Roll Call Stephens present, Warner present, Whitehouse present.

Item #2: Statement of compliance with open meetings act-Chairman.

Item #3: Commissioner Warner led the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation led by Whitehouse.

Item #4: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of March 18, 2024. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #5: Motion was made by Whitehouse and seconded by Warner to approve Blanket Purchase Orders #5136 - 5171; Purchase Orders # 2023-2024 911 Phone CELL PHONE SERVICE 4941 A T & T MOBILITY 254.89; UTILITY 5103 A T & T 1288.08; CBRI MATERIAL 3900 APAC CENTRAL INC 3392.04; Fair Board STORAGE BUILDING 1803 RD SIMPSON CONSTRUCTION INC 3200.00; General AIR FRESHENERS 4636 Simply Scentsational 192.00; BOTTLED WATER 3147 FIZZ-O WATER COMPANY 50.70; BRAKES/ROTORS 4892 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 649.27; CCSO VEHICLE REPAIRS 4865 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 193.80; CELL PHONE SERVICE 4939 A T & T MOBILITY 3138.89; CREMATION SERVICE 4893 Rice Funeral Service & Cremation Care Plus 225.00; ELECTION EXPENSES 4944 CREEK COUNTY ELECTION BOARD 1890.00; EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG 5040 COMMUNITYCARE EAP 172.70; INSPECTION 5116 OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 50.00; insurance - cobra 5091 COMMUNITY CARE INSURANCE 677.61; 5097 Guardian 38.79; LEASE 4957 Straydog Storage 80.00; OFFICE FURNITURE 4911 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 245.00; polygraph 4884 Raines Polygraph Services 225.00; Professional Service 3885 Dirt Road Data 1000.00; 5043 Tulsa Connect 60.00; PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4580 INCOG 3333.33; Rent 4923 CREEK CO HOME FINANCE AUTH 2100.00; SERVICE 4044 Tulsa Connect 15.00; 4101 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 15.00; SERVICE AGREEMENT 3198 XEROX CORP 55.00; Supplies 4938 LAW ENFORCEMENT RISK MANAGEMENT GROUP 984.00; SUPPLIES 4244 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.48; TIRES/DEPUTY CARS 4834 BRISTOW TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 438.72; TIRES/REPAIRS/DEPUTY CARS 4111 BRISTOW TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 83.00; TOW CHARGE 4568 A & W TOWING INC 97.90; TRAINING/TRAVEL 2012 VISA/AMERICAN HERITAGE BANK 50.00; UNIFORM & ACCESSORIES 4468 BAYSINGERS UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT 23.25; Utilities 4628 COX BUSINESS 1198.44; 4928 EAST CENTRAL ELECTRIC COOP 394.00; 4929 EAST CENTRAL ELECTRIC COOP 342.00; 5098 CITY OF SAPULPA 635.20; UTILITY 5039 O N G 153.28; 5120 COX BUSINESS 37.89; Vehicle Upfit 3088 KPS STRIPING 475.00; 3091 KPS STRIPING 475.00; 3092 KPS STRIPING 475.00; 3096 KPS STRIPING 475.00; WATER 5089 FIZZ-O WATER COMPANY 17.90; Health SUPPLIES 4372 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 359.99; Highway EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG 5038 COMMUNITYCARE EAP 60.50; EQUIPMENT 5111 GW Davis Sr 3000.00; IT Support 126 CASTLECOM LLC 631.25; Labor & Equipment 3080 CASTLECOM LLC 21196.93; Reimbursement 4907 EAST CENTRAL ELECTRIC COOP 2723.56; SERVICE CONTRACT 4749 EMCO TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC 70.00; SIR TEST 4733 TotalSIR 36.50; TESTING 1242 GLOBAL 7 TESTING SOLUTIONS OKLAHOMA, LLC 50.00; 4798 GLOBAL 7 TESTING SOLUTIONS OKLAHOMA, LLC 243.00; TRUCK 4918 CROWN AUTO WORLD BRISTOW 42777.75; UNIFORMS 4233 AMERICAN T'S 249.37; Utilities 4554 O G & E 736.19; UTILITY 4730 O G & E 82.13; 4738 A T & T 294.65; Hwy-ST EQUIPMENT 3951 Great Western Trailer 190.98; Parts & Labor 4356 TULSA AUTO SPRING CO INC 3826.16; SIGNS 1349 TULSA COUNTY HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION SIGNS 131.20; Jail-ST CELL PHONE SERVICE 4936 A T & T MOBILITY 532.40; COMPUTER/EQUIP 4891 ITOUCH BIOMETRICS LLC 3500.00; EQUIPMENT 4829 UNITED TACTICAL SYSTEMS 337.00; LIGHT BULBS 4896 LOCKE SUPPLY 321.85; Lighting 5090 LED LIGHT EXPERT 4792.40; polygraph 4916 Raines Polygraph Services 225.00; SPRINKLER SYSTEM 4672 FIRETROL 250.00; TRANSPORTS/INMATES 4898 VISA/AMERICAN HERITAGE BANK 211.47; UTILITIES ELECTRIC SERVICE 4937 O G & E 120.48; 4940 O G & E 3750.47; 4942 O G & E 69.14; UTILITIES GAS SERVICES 5094 O N G 244.53; VEHICLE PARTS 214 ADVANCED AUTO PARTS 53.56; Juv Dent-ST CELL PHONE SERVICE 4935 A T & T MOBILITY 226.52; FOOD 4867 SYSCO FOODS 2700.11; JUVENILE DETENTION 4931 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 469.68; Lighting 5086 LED LIGHT EXPERT 5642.55; Network Services 4932 COX BUSINESS 1775.37; REAP EQUIPMENT 5117 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC 42026.00; Resale LEASE 1751 Quadient Leasing USA Inc 998.85; MEALS 4412 WICKLIFFE, STEPHANIE 49.36; 4413 Duggan, Tracy 40.68; TRAINING 4204 OSU-CTP 130.00; 4205 OSU-CTP 130.00; RFD-ST EQUIPMENT 4189 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC 1928.00; 4552 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC 5000.00; PARTS 4616 Heiman Fire Equipment 2003.20; Tax Refunds TAX CORRECTION 75 21ST MORTGAGE COPR 1115.00; 183 Pamela Morris 156.63; 184 Pamela Morris 341.10; 185 Pamela Morris 169.79; Use-ST ROAD MATERIALS 4669 TED C CARTER TRUCKING LLC 18304.28; 4801 TED C CARTER TRUCKING LLC 18103.87.  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #6: NO DISCUSSION of new business. (In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Title 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting agenda.)

Item #7: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to sign Resolution#2024-37 an agreement with Family and Children's Services, Human Skills and Resources, Creek County Youth Services, CREOKS, Creek County Health Department, and Lifegate regarding the opioid abatement settlement grant administered by the Oklahoma Attorney General's Office, requesting $849,637.00 to combat the opioid crisis in Creek County. Steven Fritz, Human Skills and Resources briefly spoke of the group of entities within Creek County that will help oversee the grant and expenditures. We will work together to help combat the need for our county. I feel that we have demonstrated the need for the funds and we will be able to make a difference with the request.  We are asking the Board today to support our efforts in receiving the funds with signing the resolution presented. Mortazavi stated if the grant funds are approved and issued for Creek County, we would like to have a meeting with all entities that have made the request. Although, the monies will be utilized by the entities requested, the county is the overseer of the grant funds. We would like to discuss the policies and procedures the county must adhere to by law. Fritz stated they have requested a grant administrator within their request to help assist with the grant process. Warner thanked everyone that has helped with the process of applying for the grant. This was a lot of work need to be completed in a short amount of time. Fritz, stated we look forward to working with the county in anyway that we can. Stephens reviewed some of the policy and procedures Mortazavi referred to.  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #8: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-38 rezoning request CCZ-2132 and lot split CCLS-2953-Denise Frost per recommendations of the CCPC. Rezoning from Agricultural District to Residential District to allow lot split. Tract 1 will be rezoned from Agricultural District to Residential Manufactured Home District to manufactured home. Tract will contain 1.52 acres more or less and will meet all requirements. Tract 2 will remain Agricultural District and contain 7.41 acres more or less. Tract will meet all requirements. We have had one phone call with a concern. Tracts are surrounded by Agricultural and neither tract is within a flood zone. Applicant is present. The CCPC recommended approval on 3-18-24, along with the Planning Office. Property located at 23044 S. 129th W. Avenue Sapulpa, OK 74066.-Wendy Murray, Planner. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #9: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-39 approval of re-plat for a residential subdivision The Bluffs CCFRP-2024-01, consisting of 15 tracts on 70.48 acres. This is changing four lots, three will remain agricultural and one will be a reserve lot. This is also changing the pond to a community pond. This plat was previously approved and is surrounded by Agricultural, Residential and Residential Home Districts. Applicant is present. The CCPC recommended approval on 3-18-24, along with the Planning Office. Property located at 5917 Hilton Road Sapulpa, OK 74066.-Wendy Murray, Planner. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #10: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to award Bid#24-15 3 Month Asphalt & Emulsions Products and Services designated per district. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #11: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to award Bid#24-17 One or More New or Used Tractors with Boom Mower to P&K Equipment Inc., in the amount of $109,995.00. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #12: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2024-40 designating county depository banks for fiscal year 2024-2025 as follows: American Heritage Bank, First United Bank, Spirit Bank, Community Bank and Legacy Bank and Trust. Engleman stated we have added another bank this year that has more competitive rates and more options. Stephens asked if there was a timeframe that this needs to be approved. Stephens stated I thought we had to keep the banks local.  Vote as follows: Stephens - No, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #13: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse for the Allocation of Beverage Tax to be distributed as follows: Bristow $3,067.82; Depew $296.82; Drumright $1,848.78; Kellyville $735.90; Kiefer $1,579.41; Lawrence Creek $87.38; Mannford $2,355.75; Mounds $673.07; Oilton $639.13; Sapulpa $15,836.68 and Slick $109.05. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #14: Discussion and possible action regarding the American Recovery Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government. No updates at the time. (1) Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to accept Bid#24-16 Supply and Install Aeration System and Lift Station Backup Generators, ARPA Project #1566-5.2-74039-4110 for the Town of Kellyville and pass until 4-15-24 to review. Bids submitted by Beytco and Cherokee Pride. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye. (2) No Road and Bridge Projects at this time.

Public Comment: Mortazavi stated we have received the Town of Slick's 2022-2023 Audit Report.

Item #15: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse at 9:37 a.m. to enter into Proposed Executive Session (per 25 O.S. 307(B)(1) discussion of resignation of the individual salaried employees of the Board of County Commissioners, Planner and Floodplain Administrator. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye. A motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner at 9:59 a.m. to come out of Executive Session. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #16: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner to offer Carl Prescott GIS/Floodplain Administrator position with Creek County, with a salary of $55,529.40, Second Administrator. Stephens stated we recently had the Floodplain Administrator and our second Planner resign and we will be combining the position saving roughly $25,000.00 per year. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse at 10:05 a.m. to adjourn and meet again 4-1-24.  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye. Whitehouse - Aye.