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Phone: 918-224-4508

Haley Anderson - Creek County Assessor - Elected November 2022
Robin Whitehouse - 1st Deputy

Our Mission

The Creek County Assessor's office is committed to providing all citizens with fair and equitable assessments. We will not compromise our integrity for any personal gain but we will apply all statutory practices and procedures with honesty and reliability. We will faithfully guard the trust that has been placed in our hands by the people of Creek County.

Welcome to the Creek County Assessor's Office

The Creek County Assessor's Office has designed this site to answer the most commonly asked questions about Ad Valorem property tax assessments. We are also trying to make it easier and more convenient to find lot dimensions and locate property within the county by providing data from the mapping department.

Your Ad Valorem taxes help support schools, law enforcement, health and social services, libraries and county government.

Ad Valorem taxes are constitutional. Taxpayers themselves can actually vote in increases to their property taxes. It is my job to be sure that your taxes are fairly assessed. My staff and I work very hard to be sure the job is done well.

We are always happy to hear from Creek County Taxpayers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call my office and we will be glad to answer any questions you have regarding taxes. If we can't answer your question, we will find someone who can.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you as the Creek County Assessor. It is truly an honor and a privilege.


Haley Anderson, Creek County Assessor


This website is intended to give the taxpayer a brief overview of the ad valorem tax process. The information presented is based on statutory requirements and procedures. This website is for informational reference purposes only, not legal reference. For more specific information contact our office via phone (918-224-4508) fax (918-227-6328) or email ( We are located at 317 E. Lee, Third Floor, Sapulpa, OK 74066.