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Reducing Storm Water Pollution During Construction

Construction runoff from rain storms picks up pollutants like sediment, oil and grease, fertilizers like nitrogen and phosphorus, and other chemicals and carries them into storm drains or directly into water bodies.

The construction process also disturbs the vegetative cover. This allows for the rapid erosion of the soil which causes increased sediment inflows into the adjoining streams. Too much sediment in a water body can cloud the water and make it difficult or impossible for aquatic plants to receive the sunlight they need to grow. Excess sediment also smothers aquatic habitats and clogs fish gills.

Simple erosion control and siltation control measures can prevent these situations from occurring. Federal law also requires any development that disturbs over one acre of vegetative cover to obtain a special permit. Download a permit application.

Construction site

For more information contact:

Carl Prescott, Creek County Stormwater Coordinator
317 East Lee Ave.
Sapulpa, OK 74066

Phone: 918-227-6369
or 918-224-0278
