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2023-11-27 Meeting Minutes

For a printable version of the November 27, 2023 Meeting Minutes (which includes all content as listed below), click here.

     November 27, 2023

The Board of County Commissioners of Creek County (BOCC) met in Regular Session on Monday, November 27, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., date and time duly posted.

Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman, Stephens. Roll Call Stephens present, Warner present, Whitehouse present.

Item #2: Statement of compliance with open meetings act-Chairman.

Item #3: Commissioner Stephens led the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.

Item #4: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Stephens to approve the minutes of November 20, 2023. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Abstain.

Item #5: Motion was made by Whitehouse and seconded by Warner to approve Fleet Fueling Management System Contract for Assessor; Blanket Purchase Orders #3037 - 3057; Purchase Orders #2023-2024 911 Phone UTILITY 3014 A T & T 46.70; 3030 A T & T 1882.14; Assr Rev Fee SUPPLIES 2839 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 104.85; CBRI EASEMENT 2837 Department Of Wildlife Conservation 3840.00; Excess Resale EXCESS RESALE 22 CREEK CO COURT CLERK, COURT FUND 37989.15; General Bid Notice 2769 SAPULPA DAILY HERALD 37.04; 2770 SAPULPA DAILY HERALD 33.68; BRAKES 2693 Midtown Auto & Diesel Repair Inc 418.79; CONTRACT SERVICES 1786 OSU CO-OP EXT SERVICE 13333.33; COPIER CHARGES 2472 Standley Systems 204.44; insurance - cobra 3028 COMMUNITY CARE INSURANCE 657.87; 3029 Guardian 77.58; PARTS AND LABOR 2176 AIR COMFORT INC 609.00; Professional Service 2709 Dirt Road Data 4509.00; PROPANE 150 Maltsberger Propane 918.93; RECYCLE SERVICE 56 SHOW INC. 70.00; Rent 2011 Straydog Storage 110.00; SERVICE 1919 A T & T MOBILITY 27.36; Supplies 1574 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 281.99; 2295 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 102.63; SUPPLIES 1923 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 65.04; 2847 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 63.09; TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 2495 DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST 870.00; 2496 DYNAMIC RECRUITING SPECIALIST 696.00; TRAVEL 2875 Siler, Melissa Renee 112.66; Utilities 3011 O N G 86.49; UTILITY 2457 A T & T MOBILITY 82.93; 2484 A T & T MOBILITY 190.70; 3013 O N G 171.42; Health REGISTRATION 2864 SAPULPA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 20.00; SERVICE 2854 VIP TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS GROUP LLC 835.00; Highway PAYMENT 2585 SNB BANK 1556.98; SERVICE 518 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 15.00; UTILITY 2479 A T & T MOBILITY 59.70; 2554 A T & T 294.60; Hwy-ST HAULING 2778 MIKE WOFFORD TRUCKING & GRADING LLC 5057.37; 2841 MIKE WOFFORD TRUCKING & GRADING LLC 5072.31; PARTS & SUPPLIES 1360 ATWOODS 90.54; 1362 CHEROKEE HOSE & SUPPLY INC 496.13; 2598 PETROLEUM MARKETERS EQUIP CO 964.91; Resale FURNITURE 2871 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 237.49; 2916 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 380.47; SERVICE 1277 A T & T MOBILITY 41.23; Supplies 2869 MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.42; RFD-ST Repair 2482 WILSON CHEVROLET INC 671.84; RM&P Managed It Services 2161 CASTLECOM LLC 1579.00;. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #6: NO DISCUSSION of new business. (In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Title 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting agenda.)

Item #8: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to Accept Bid#24-9 Purchase One or More New or Used Hitch Trailer for District #2 and Award to Stephen Burgin, in the amount of $6,500.00. This was the only bid submitted. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #9: Motion was made by Warner and seconded by Whitehouse to approve renewal of generator maintenance agreement with Clifford Power Systems for the Creek County Health Department for the remainder of the 2023-2024 fiscal year, in the amount of $627.90.  Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #10: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2023-195 appointing Cory Hallum to fill the vacant position on the Creek County Fairboard to run through 2026. Stephens stated this is a vacant seat for District #1, Chris Carr was the seat holder, but since left and left the seat vacant. I think that Hallum would do a good job and has been involved with the FFA. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #11: Motion was made by Whitehouse and seconded by Stephens to sign Lease Agreement 193006 for Road Machinery or Equipment with ODOT for District #3, on a 2022 Caterpillar 140GC Serial#CAT00140WE9400395, ODOT#99-2836, in the amount of $271,868.50. Stephens stated we did not have the lease last week on the approval of the 324A Form. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.

Item #12: Discussion and possible action regarding the American Recovery Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government. No update at this time. (1) No Road and Bridge Projects at this time.

Public Comment: NONE

Item#7: DISCUSSION NO ACTION on further discussion and possible action to approve a safety meeting luncheon for county employees to be held on 12-14-23, and for all County offices to close for this event. Stephens stated he has visited with Jennifer Mortazavi and an hour and a half, it not a sufficient amount of time to get everyone fed and present the information needed. I think we should close the county at noon and give the employees some really good information that we all can learn from and also do better for our employees. I would like to ask that we have more participation from the Elected Official for cleanup afterwards, our employees should not be the ones to have to take care of this. There was discussion with Andrew Goforth on the current Jury term being in its second week during this event. Goforth stated that Stephens would need to visit with the District Judge on possible rescheduling court sessions for the remaining of that day. Goforth stated the D.A. Has three cases, as of now, but we don't know what it will look like on that day, until it gets closer. Stephens stated he will communicate with Amanda Vanorsdol and see what could be moved around at the courthouse, if they closed the county. There was discussion to see if the event day could be changed, as well to accommodate the jury term. This item was passed until 12-4-23.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Warner at 9:33 a.m. and meet again 12-4-23. Vote as follows: Stephens - Aye, Warner - Aye, Whitehouse - Aye.