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2023-2-21 Meeting Agenda

For a printable version of the February 21, 2023 Meeting Agenda (which includes all content as listed below), click here.





317 E. LEE, SUITE 103


 9:00 A.M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2023










4. Discussion and possible action in consideration of approval or disapproval of prior meeting minutes for meeting held on February 13, 2023, and to correct meeting minutes for January 17, 2023, for the Mannford project number.


5. Discussion and possible action to consider, review, approve, or disapprove pending purchase orders for: the general, highway, health, cash accounts and community development block grant funds; transfers; monthly appropriations; emergency purchase orders; various county officers' contracts; monthly reports and various contracts and change orders. The Verification Report on all purchase orders being paid is available for public inspection during the meeting. For questions, please see the County Clerk.


6. Discussion and possible action of new business.  (In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. § 311, new business is defined as any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen within 24 hours of time of posting this agenda.)


7. Discussion and possible action to consider having Guy Engineering inspect the Pelican Point Bridge, bridge #261a, in District #2 - Leon Warner, Commissioner.


8. Discussion and possible action to consider entering an interlocal agreement between the Creek County Sheriff's Office and Drumright Police Department - Bret Bowling, Sheriff.


9. Discussion and possible action to consider approval of a juvenile detention contract with Ottowa County for the remainder of the 2022-2023 fiscal year - Bret Bowling, Sheriff.


10. Discussion and possible action to consider approval of a juvenile detention contract with Craig County for the remainder of the 2022-2023 fiscal year - Bret Bowling, Sheriff.


11. Discussion and possible action to let for sealed bid for 3-month bridge and highway materials and professional services, to open March 6, 2023, bid #23-13.


12. Discussion and possible action to consider approving the Allocation of Alcoholic Beverage Tax -Treasurer's Office.


13. Discussion and possible action to approve amendments of the Creek County zoning regulations, including Subdivision regulations - Wendy Murray, Planning Office.


14. Discussion and possible action to consider directing the Creek County Treasurer to credit the Creek County Commissioners account (0001-1-2000-1233/R5) for workman's compensation in the amount of $18,542.89 with funds received from the Treasurer's Cash Voucher Resale Salary fund (1220-1-0600-1110/CV-2) in the amount of $89.39; Creek County Clerk's Preservation Fee Salary fund (1209-1-1000-1130/CCPF1) in the amount of $5.48; Creek County Court Clerk's Payroll fund (1211-1-1900-1110/PFCC) in the amount of $119.62; Assessor's Reval Payroll fund (0001-1-1700-1110/H4) in the amount of $382.27; Sheriff E-911 Phase II fund (1201-2-3601-1110/E-911) in the amount of $101.31; Sheriff County Jail Maintenance Salary fund (1315-2-0400-1110/CJM1A) in the amount of $10,910.52; Sheriff Juvenile Justice Center Payroll fund (1317-2-0400-1110/JJC1A) in the amount of $6,300.48; Sheriff's Service Fees Salary fund (1226-2-0400-1110/SSF1A) in the amount of $80.53; Sheriff's Service Fees Courthouse Security Salary fund (1226-2-3500-1110/SSF9) in the amount of $409.39; Sheriff's Service Fee Trash Cop Payroll fund (1229-2-0400-1110) in the amount of $122.17; Sheriff's Service Fee OK Highway Safety Grant fund (1526-2-0400-1110/SSF15) in the amount of $21.73,4) H4) in  as per 62 O.S. § 335, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor's Office.


15. Discussion and possible action to consider approving a utility permit request from Oklahoma Natural Gas Company to cross 11750 West 165th Street South approximately 1.38 miles south and 3.36 miles west of the US Highway Alternate 75 and State Highway 67 junction in District #1.


16. Discussion and possible action to consider approving a utility permit request from Oklahoma Natural Gas Company to cross West 91st Street approximately 0.47 miles east and 0.17 miles north of the US Highway 44 and State Highway 364 junction in District #3.


17. PROPOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION (per 25 O.S. § 307(B)(4)): Discussion of confidential communications between the Board and the District Attorney's Office concerning terms of a proposed agreement for public improvements with Cornerstone Church and the City of Bristow that, upon advice of counsel, disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the County to process its proceeding in the best interest of the public.


18. Discussion and any possible action necessary concerning the terms of a proposed agreement for public improvements with Cornerstone Church and the City of Bristow resulting from the above executive session discussion.


19. Discussion and possible action regarding the American Rescue Plan 2021 funds directed to Creek County by the federal government.

  • Discussion and possible action to consider using ARPA funds on road and bridge projects.


Adjournment - Chairman.


The Board, in its discretion, may allow comments from the public on agenda items and may also limit the duration of any and all comments allowed.


This is to certify that in conformity with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Notice was posted at the place of meeting at 8:30 A.M. on the 17th day of February, 2023.  A true and correct copy of such Notice was filed in the office of the County Clerk as required by law.



     Jennifer Mortazavi

Jennifer Mortazavi

Creek County Clerk                       
