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Open Meeting Law

 Open Meeting Act  25 OS 301-314

Selected sections

25 OS 303:  All meetings of public bodies shall be held at specified times and places which are convenient to the public and shall be open to the public.  Such meetings shall be preceded by advance public notice specifying the time and place of each such meeting as well as the subject matter to be considered.

25 OS 311:  All public bodies shall give notice in writing by December 15 of each calendar year of the schedule showing the date, time and place of the regularly scheduled meetings of such public bodies for the following calendar year.

In addition, all public bodies shall, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to such meetings, display public notice of said meeting, setting forth thereon the date, time, place and agenda for said meeting, such twenty-four hours prior public posting shall exclude Saturdays and Sundays and holidays.  Attorney General Opinion 97-98:  the notice and agenda must be visible before and after business hours.

Special meetings shall not be held without public notice being given at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to said meeting. Such notice of date, time and place may be in writing, by telephone, or in person.  The written notice of such meeting, including the agenda, must be posted a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to such special meeting.

Emergency meetings may be held without the public notice as required above; however, as much advance notice as is reasonable and possible under the circumstances should be made in person, by telephone, or by electronic means.

25 OS 312:  Minutes shall be in writing and shall be open to public inspection.